Our Services

The Los Angeles area is suffering from one of the worst fire storms in history. We want to provide help where help is needed.

It is our mission to support all Angelinos with the support that is needed now. Our prayers and hope is with our community at large.

Our goal is to assist families that are currently suffering from this event. We want to provide the working community with financial assistance to cover rent, bills, and living expenses to the many Angelinos who find themselves without income due to the fires. There are many working individuals that, because of the fires, are now without work. This includes our service providers in the following fields and others not mentioned here:

  • Health Care: Many of our elderly and infirmed need assistance on a daily basis to help them navigate daily living, from food to just someone to talk to. These providers find themselves without assistance to continue this care but care enough to find a way to keep their efforts going.

  • Restaurant Workers: Many restaurants have been severely damaged or completely destroyed in these fires. The workers that do the cleaning, cooking, maintenance and other crucial operations find themselves without work, they need this support.

  • House Keepers and Child Care: These essential service providers are the way our community can help each other to assist working families to trust that the home and children will be taken care of while they work.

  • Other Service Providers: Mechanics, Technicians, Landscaping, cleaning services and many other functions that were needed no longer have a place to go to work. They need our help to get to the other end of recovery. We are here to help.

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